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28. November. Online infosession: EU Support for Literary Translations

Online infosession: EU Support for Literary Translations

Online infosession: EU Support for Literary Translations

Thursday 28 November 9.30-10.30 (CET) / 10.30-11.30 (EET)

Online via Teams

Get funding for translation, publication, and distribution of European literature!

Want to learn more? Join the Nordic and Baltic Creative Europe Desks for an informative webinar on Creative Europe's Circulation of European Literary Works call.


We will provide a detailed overview of the funding scheme, application process, and eligibility criteria.

Katrin Reinmaa from the Estonian publishing house Päike ja Pilv who has benefitted from the call previously will share insights and experiences, offering valuable perspectives on how this funding can help expand literary reach across Europe.

For whom?

This session is tailored for publishers, literary agents, and professionals thoughout the publishing and book sectors in Europe interested in exploring funding opportunities to support the translation, promotion, and distribution of European literary works.

The webinar will be in English.


Efterårets infomøder

– Creative Europe for nybegyndere, øvede og ansøgningsparate

Dette efterår kan du blive meget klogere på Creative Europe-programmet og i særdeleshed puljen for Samarbejdsprojekter med denne række af infomøder.

Opdateret 12. november 2024


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