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12 possibilities

Program Frist


Grants for the production, dissemination, and exhibition of contemporary art in Denmark, as well as for exhibiting Danish contemporary art abroad.

Visual arts , International

15.08.2024, 2:00 PM

Curatorial Research Programme

Funding for curatorial research for curators, directors of art institutions and other art professionals.

Visual arts , International

15.08.2024, 2:00 PM

Approval of Performances: Refund Scheme

Theatres, producers of professional performing arts, and performers who have experience as performing arts curators can apply for the approval of a professional performance to be included in the Refund Scheme (Refusionsordningen) regarding the expense of purchasing the performance for municipalities and non-municipal institutions (international guest performances included). The production of the performance must be finalised at the time of application. There are three application deadlines: 6th March 2024, 15th August 2024, and 1st November 2024. N.B. The two pools 'Approval of Performances: Refund Scheme' and 'Approval of International Guest Performances: Refund Scheme' have been merged as of 1st January 2024.

Scenekunst , Børn og unge , Performing arts , Kommuner , Internationalt

15.08.2024, 2:00 PM

Nordic translations

Funding for Nordic publishers to cover fees for translators, translating a work from Danish into another Nordic language. Non-Nordic publishers: please apply to the fund ‘Literary production and translation’.

Litteratur , Internationalt , Literature , International

03.09.2024, 2:00 PM

Literary production and translation

Publishing and translation support for literary works (books, e-books, drama, literary podcasts etc.) for adults, children and young adults. Nordic publishers: please apply to the fund ‘Nordiske oversættelser/Nordic translations’

Litteratur , Internationalt , Literature , International

03.09.2024, 2:00 PM

Sample translations from Danish

Grants for sample translations from Danish of works for adults, children and young adults.

Litteratur , Internationalt , International , Literature

03.09.2024, 2:00 PM

Literary events and projects

Support for literary events and projects that focus on Danish literature and authors, as well as mentor support and network support for translators.

Litteratur , Internationalt , International , Literature

03.09.2024, 2:00 PM

Can Lis: Residencies at Jørn Utzon’s house on Mallorca for architects and others

Residency at Jørn Utzon’s house Can Lis on Mallorca. Architects and other professionals with a connection to the Danish architecture scene are eligible to apply. The application deadline is the 4th of September at 14:00 CET. You can apply one month in advance of the deadline.


04.09.2024, 2:00 PM

Cultural activity funds for Danish missions and cultural institutes

Support for cultural work by Danish missions and cultural institutes. The purpose of the fund is to support concrete cultural activities abroad between Danish and foreign actors in collaboration with Danish missions and cultural institutes.


13.09.2024, 2:00 PM

Craft and design projects in Denmark and abroad

Funding for projects for and with Danish craft and design in Denmark and abroad.

Crafts & Design

19.09.2024, 2:00 PM
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Opdateret 31. May 2023

When Awarded a Grant

If you have been awarded a grant, make sure to submit your accounts for review.
Further information