Performing arts: International activities
Artform(s) :
- 01.04.2025, 2:00 PM
New Grant portal
You may apply to this fund through our Grant portal using a portal login.
Who may apply?
Smaller theatres, performing arts groups, independent performaing artists and operators organising or working with performing arts activities.
Who may not apply?
- Support cannot be granted for projects, which are carried out exclusively by the large institutional theatres. By large institutional theatres we mean The Royal Danish Theatre, the Danish regional theatres, the Jutland Opera, and the theatres in the Copenhagen theatre association may not apply.
You cannot receive funding for the following purposes
- activities initiated ahead of the deadline
- educational purposes for individuals
Grants from this funding programme is not considered as support for production of performances. If you receive support from this funding programme your project will therefore not automatically be approved to be included in the Refund Scheme (Refusionsordningen). If you wish to apply for support for productions you can apply the funding programme 'Performing arts for children, young adults and adults'.
Purpose of the program
The purpose of the program is to promote performing arts of high artistic quality in Denmark and Danish produced performing arts abroad.
We achieve this by supporting internationalization such as:
- International guest performances touring and site specific performances, where an existing concept is adapted to the given context
Networking and research aimed at long-term international collaborations and co-productions, including participation in workshops abroad as a speaker and the invitation of guests for performances in Denmark
International residencies
The committee encourages you to incorporate your international activities in your long-term strategic planning, so that your international activities, if possible, are included in larger applications for the funding programme ‘Performing Arts for Children, Young People and Adults’, which has two annual deadlines in January and June. Here you can incorporate your international activities in applications for project grants or as part of your overall seasonal activities.
How your application will be evaluated?
The Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Performing Arts Project Funding evaluates the incoming applications.
The Danish Arts Foundation has specified its visions and missions with the work of the foundation. (In Danish)
The most important criterion in the assessment of applications by the Danish Arts Foundation is the quality of the artistic production and the artistic talent seen in relation to the application.
In the assessment of artictic quality, The Committee for Performing Arts Project Funding places emphasis on supporting performing arts with:
- courage and willingsness to follow new paths in terms of form, content or formats
- a clear artistic idea as well as the ability to realize it
- a motivation of the significance or societal relevance of the project
- reflections on the audience's experience of and relationship with the work
Furthermore, the committee emphasizes:
- collaborations between different organizations/institutions - preferably as co--productions with the independent performing arts scene - aimed at:
- exploring the boundaries of the performings arts
- meeting new audience groups
- making the best possible use of artistic and financial resources
- that the project lives longer, for example through national and international touring activity as well as reruns, devolopment and the formation of networks
- choices in relation to dissemination and the promotion of the project to a wide audience
Specifically concerning international activities, the committee emphasizes:
- international guest performances and touring activities that involve several performances and other related activities (e.g. networking, workshops/master classes, research etc.)
- activities with a verified mutual interest regarding resources and interests and future collaborations
- activities where an exchange of experience with the Danish performing arts scene is taken into account
The committee may decide to grant the application partially and/or award a smaller amount than applied for, based on an overall assessment of the application. The committee evaluates your application in consideration of all the other applications and the total amount available for funding while also aiming to spread the support for the arts.
If you have applied for grants from the Danish Arts Foundation within the past three years, this information will be considered in the evaluation of your application.
The committee encourages you to consider aspects of social and climate related sustainability in you project description.
What must the application contain
You must submit your application using our Grant Portal. We do not accept paper forms.
The Grant portal requires that you log in using MitID (Denmark's common secure login on the Internet). As a foreign applicant, you must order a login unless you have the right to have a Danish MitID. Read more about the Grant Portal and order a login here.
We recommend you to use the browsers Chrome or Firefox when you fill in the application form.
In your application, the committee expects you to describe:
- the primary idea and artistic vision
- realisation – work method/process
- the group’s structure – participants in the project
- presentation and relevance to the audience
- information about target audience: children and young people (age groups), partly children and young people or adults
The following information must be entered in the application form:
- a short project description, including the primary idea and artistic vision (max 2400 characters). Please specify:
- whether you are applying for funding for the same project from another Danish Arts Foundation committee
- if your target group is children and young people
- your choice of genre: Street theatre/site specific, choreographic/physical theatre, contemporary circus, object/animation, performance, text-based or cross-disciplinary
- the date/period of the project’s period of expenses must be clearly stated
You must attach the following:
- Budget and a specification of goals/activities (use this template in excel)
- Participants’ CVs (max. one page per person)
- Documentation of the agreement with the international partner and/or an invitation
- For applicants with foreign bank accounts, a completed bank information form (form for wire transfers to countries using IBAN or form for wire transfers to countries NOT using IBAN).
You may also attach:
- A document with max. 3 links to relevant information about, for example, a festival, a residency, or partners. It is the applicant’s responsibility that the links are working
When filling in the project description, you must state the specific goals planned for your project. If we ask you to report on your project, we will evaluate whether you have fulfilled the goals stated in your application. These could be, for example:
- Touring and/or guest performances: number of performances/shows, audience figures, number of related activities (workshops or other activities)
- Networking and research: number of new relevant contacts, number of meetings with artists, institutions, organisations, or others
- Residencies: number of new relevant contacts (key persons, institutions), number of shows (not mandatory), number of related activities (workshops, masterclasses, etc.).
Please be aware of the following:
- that the attached annexes does not exceed 25 MB in total
- that attachments can only be received in the formats: PDF, Word and Excel. We do not accept ZIP files
- that before the deadline expires, you can edit an already submitted application and submit a new version
- that after the deadline you can not send attachments or edit an application
- that it is always the most recently submitted application that is processed by the committee
- that it is always the most recent application you have sent to us that will be assesed by the committee
- that your application must contain all mandatory appendices in order to be assesed by the committee. Additional material, in addition to that described in the application guide, will not be included in the assessment of your application
- that you are responsible for ensuring that the application form is completed correctly and that all the required appendices are attached. Therefore, check your submitted application in the portal to ensure that all documents are included
How much you may apply for?
You may apply for a maximum of DKK 75.000 from this program.
If you are a Danish citizen, organisation, or business and receive a grant, you must have a NemKonto available for the payment transfer. We transfer all grants to the NemKonto linked to the Danish CPR/CVR number you state in the application. If you, for example, apply with a new CVR number, you have to make sure that you have linked it to a NemKonto. You have to do this before a potential grant is awarded.
If you have moved out of Denmark according to the Danish Customs and Tax Administration’s definition, or if you are a foreign applicant, you are able to have a potential grant transferred to a foreign bank account. For applicants with foreign bank accounts, a completed bank information form must be attached, either the form for wire transfers to countries using IBAN or the form for wire transfers to countries NOT using IBAN.
If you receive a grant of DKK 100,000 or less, we pay the grant as closely as possible to the start date you have stated in your application. You should therefore make sure that the start date you enter matches the date of the first expenses for your project.
We report the grant to the Danish Tax Agency, but tax has not been deducted from the payment. Most of our grants are reported to pay labour marked contributions (AM-bidrag).
You will receive the committee’s decision via the Grant Portal within 12 weeks after the application deadline.
Throughout those weeks, the committee will read and process all submitted applications. We will publish all awarded grants on our website (in Danish), once all applicants have received the committee’s decision.
The names of all applicants are made public on our website in the committees’ minutes (in Danish).
When you have submitted your application
Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a screen receipt which you can download if you wish, but you can always see your application and its status in the Grant Portal under "My Applications".
You will not receive an email receipt to confirm that you have submitted an application.
On your case in the Grant Portal, you can also see the appendices you have attached to the application.
It is your own responsibility that the necessary documents have been attached and sent - so remember to look through your application carefully.
You can edit in an application even if you have already submitted it. As long as it is before the deadline! If you edit in a submitted application, you must again make sure that all necessary documents are included. The committee deals exclusively with the most recently submitted application.
If you need to contact a case officer in the secretariat, write via the contact form on your case in the Grant Portal.
Law basis
Decisions are made in accordance with section 3(1), cf. (2) and (3) of the Danish Act on the Danish Arts Foundation’s Activities (Act no. 458 of 8 May 2013)
When the Danish Arts Foundation awards grants, it is important, and not least legally required, that the money is used for the purpose you have described in your application. Therefore, you must report on your project to the Agency for Culture and Palaces. How you must report depends on the grant amount you have received. Read more about how to report on your project.
If you receive a smaller amount than applied for, you will be notified in your grant notification letter if you need to submit further information, before we can pay out your grant.
Who will evaluate your application?
The Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Performing Arts Project Funding processes the applications and makes the final decision concerning the distribution of the committee’s funds.