Craft and design projects in Denmark and abroad

Funding for projects for and with Danish craft and design in Denmark and abroad.

Please note that the application deadline is September 11 2025, at 14:00. You cannot apply for the fund until one month before the deadline. Please be aware that changes may be made to the fund description up to the day when applications can be submitted using the Grant Portal.






Artform(s) :


  • 11.09.2025, 2:00 PM

Who may apply?

The Committee for Craft and Design Project Funding funds artists, designers, curators, authors, promoters, museums, galleries and others with an interest in developing and promoting craft and design in Denmark and Danish craft and design abroad in the form of projects.

You can read more about how the committee defines a project under the "What is the purpose of the programme" section of this page. 

Examples of projects that the committee may fund include:

  • Exhibitions and dissemination projects as well as exhibition series and annual programmes that involve works by contemporary artists and designers in Denmark and/or abroad.
  • Residencies and exchange/work stays
  • Production of works
  • Projects that show aesthetic potential and a thorough understanding of a craft, materials and sensuousness
  • Projects that are centered on concrete design solutions to specific problems or projects that are more immaterial or critical in nature.
  • Presentations and all types of dissemination (verbal, written, visual, digital and printed) of the works of contemporary Danish artists and designers to a relevant audience, this includes travel funding and residencies in connection with specific exhibitions and tasks
  • Funding for establishing a business and international cooperation on the production of new types of Danish craft and design products that contribute to demonstrating the special identity and profile of the craft or design
  • Editorial content production for different media: reviews, articles, dissemination of academic research projects etc.

Find out more about how to apply if your project combines different art forms.

You cannot receive funding for:

  • Activities completed before the application deadline
  • Courses of study/training courses
  • Projects that the committee have previously supported
  • Capital investments and operating expenses

Purpose of the program

The purpose of the fund is to promote artistic quality within craft and design i Denmark and the artistic quality within Danish craft and design abroad through grants for projects.

What is a project?

  • A project is characterised by having an intention; a project has a time limitation and has a target group.
  • This means that you must be able to define your project with a goal, an intention, a schedule, a budget, a target group or audience and any partners.

The committee wants to award grants to projects that are characterised by good and original ideas, are realistic, achievable and, not least, that create meaning for relevant target groups. The committee also places emphasis on whether the project is carried out independently.

Therefore, please answer the following help questions as part of your project description:

  • What is the idea and how will you implement it?
  • How does the project develop and challenge the specific area in question?
  • What is the intention and what is the project to provide and to whom?

If your project is not mature and cannot be defined by stating an intention, a schedule, a budget and a target group, but by nature is characterised more as being research and investigations, you may apply for a work grant. 

Remuneration for craftspeople and designers

The committee encourages established exhibition venues, museums and galleries to pay fees to artists and designers for their work before, during and after an exhibition. For example, for participating in meetings, setting up and dismantling exhibitions and for participating in PR and promotion.

During an residence, it may be possible to apply for funding for both guest and host.

The exhibition venue may apply for funding for fees together with grants for exhibitions from this fund. In addition, institutions may have expenses refunded for exhibition remuneration to artists and designers. 

Read more about the exhibit fee program on our website (in Danish).

How your application will be evaluated?

The main criteria for all awards from the Danish Arts Foundation are the project’s artistic quality and the artistic talent in relation to the project applied for. The Committee for Craft and Design Project Funding processes the applications based on the following criteria, which are included in a total evaluation of the project’s artistic quality:

  • Professionalism
    The project develops and challenges practices, ideas, traditions and materials
  • Coherence
    The project has a thoroughly thought-through connection between ideas and the methods and/or effects chosen.
  • Significance
    The project shows reflections in terms of how the project creates significance in relevant contexts

The Committee funds projects of high artistic quality throughout the entire craft and design field and is aware that craft and design is a broad practise. The Committee looks for projects that demonstrate aesthetic potential and a keen understanding of the craft, its materials and sensuousness, as well as projects centered on specific design solutions to specific problems or projects of a more intangible nature.

Please be aware of the following:

A good, complete application complies with the formal criteria for what an application must (and must not) include, as well as precisely and briefly presenting the case for why the project is important and relevant for the applicant, the profession and the wider world.

The committee reserves the right to accommodate the application with an amount that is less than what was applied for, based on an evaluation of the application in relation to all of the other applications, available resources and the desire to ensure diversity and geographic spreading of art funding. If you receive a smaller amount than applied for, details on whether you need to submit additional information before the grant can be disbursed will be outlined in your approval letter.

The committee provides grants for specific projects on the basis of budgets. This means that if your project is not yet mature and concrete, but by nature is characterised as being research and basic investigations, you may apply for a work-related grant from the Committee for Craft and Design Project Funding.

Danish Arts Foundation encourages applicants to incorporate green sustainability into their work. 

If you have applied for a grant from Danish Arts Foundation within the last three years, this information will be considered in the processing of your current application. 

What must the application contain

You submit the application via the Grant Portal, which you can find here. Once you have created your profile in the Grant portal, you may go in and out of the portal at any time to check whether all attachments and information are there before you submit the application.

For funds with ongoing application deadlines, you cannot make changes in your application until you have submitted it via the portal.

We recommend that you use Chrome or Firefox as your browser when you complete your application.

If you are exempt from Digital Post or due to very special conditions cannot use the digital self-service solution, please write to

The Grant Portal requires that you log in using MitID (Denmark's common secure login on the Internet). As a foreign applicant, you must order a login unless you have the right to have a Danish MitID. Read more about the Grant Portal and order a login.

You must attach the following: 

  • Complete the mandatory project description and budget template:
    • Project description. No more than one page of 2.400 characters, including spaces and budget (PDF or Word). You MUST use the mandatory template. Please do not remove the questions from the template. Download the template here.
    • Budget: Fill out the budget and financing plan in the same mandatory template as the project description.
      • If you are VAT-registered, the requested amounts that contain VAT must be indicated excluding the VAT you can get refunded via SKAT (Danish Tax Agency).
  • Images:
    • No more than three A4 pages with relevant images that visualises the project for which you have applied for funding. The pictorial material may be photos, sketches or other images (file format: PDF or Word).
    • If relevant, no more than three A4 sheets of images documenting previous work (PDF or Word).
  • Brief CV
    • A CV must be made for all artists, designers, curators, promoters, authors etc. for whom funding is being applied for. The CV must not exceed an A4 page. For projects with multiple participants, you must attach shortened CVs that do not exceed a half A4 page per participant (file format: Word or PDF).

Please do not attach inspirational pictures, moodboards or other pictures of the work of others.

If you are a group of several people collaborating on a project and you wish to share any funding but do not have a joint business registration (CVR) number, each of you may submit an application with an identical project name and description in which each of you state the amount in the budget that is the applicant’s share of the total amount applied for. Alternatively, you may submit a joint application in which one of you accepts the legal and financial responsibility for the application and any funding.

If you have a very special reason to attach such images, it must be clearly stated in your application that the images do not visualise your work. You must also write in your application if an artistic work has been carried out in collaboration with others. If you are applying for grants for the same project from other committees in the Danish Arts Foundation, you must also state this in the application.

Please be aware of the following: 

  • You may not transfer your application – and any grant approvals – to another legal person or company. Therefore, it is important that you clarify who the applicant is before you submit your application. You must also ensure that a Danish NemKonto bank account is related to the civil registration (CPR) or company registration (CVR) number that you use.
  • The total size of the attached files may not exceed 25 MB.
  • The attached material may only be submitted in the following formats: PDF and Word. We do not accept ZIP files.
  • Before the expiry of the application deadline, you have the possibility to edit an already-submitted application and submit a new version for the same case
  • After the expiry of the deadline, you may not edit your application
  • Attachments received after the expiry of the deadline will not be attached to your application
  • It is always the latest application that you have submitted to us that is processed by
  • the committee.
  • Your application must include all mandatory attachments in order to be processed by the committee. Further material in addition to what is described in the fund’s guidelines will not be considered in the evaluation of your application.
  • You are personally responsible for completing the application form correctly, and that all of the attachments wanted are attached.
  • Attachments received after the expiry of the deadline will not be attached to your application.
  • You may not transfer your application – and any grant approvals – to another legal person or company. Therefore, it is important that you clarify who the applicant is before you submit your application. You must also ensure that a Danish NemKonto bank account is related to the civil registration (CPR) or company registration (CVR) number that you use.

How much you may apply for?

If you get a grant, you must have a Danish NemKonto account so that we can pay the amount. All grants are paid to the NemKonto that is related to the civil registration (CPR) or company registration (CVR) number you state in your application. For example, if you apply with a new CVR number, you must ensure that you have a NemKonto related to it before you submit your application.

If, according to tax administration’s definition, you have moved from Denmark or are a foreign applicant, any grant may be paid to a foreign account. In these cases, you must fill in a bank information form for countries using IBAN or a bank information form for countries not using IBAN.

If you receive a grant of:

  • DKK 100,000 or less, the money will be paid as closely as possible to the start date that you have stated for your expense period. Therefore, you should adjust the start date for your project with the date when your first expenses for the project are due.
  • More than DKK 100,000 with a project period longer than six months, we will pay the money in instalments.

We are required to report your grant to the Danish Tax Agency. This is regardless of whether and how you are to be taxed of the grant. The vast majority of our grants are reported with labour market contributions (AM-bidrag).


You will receive a reply on your application no later than 12 weeks after the deadline. You will receive a notification email when your reply is shown on your profile in the Grant Portal. This is unless you have chosen to not receive such notifications.

During the 12-week period, all applications will be collected by the secretariat and sent to the committee who will then read them and decide on who will be awarded a grant. When a decision has been made concerning all cases from the same application round, every applicant will receive a reply in the Grant portal or by email, and, at the same time, the awarded grants will be published on our website. Here, you will also find the names of all of the applicants to the Danish Arts Foundation, which will be published in the committee’s minutes.

When you have submitted your application

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a screen receipt, which you can download if you wish. Please note that you can always see your application and its status in the Grant Portal under "My Applications".

You will not receive an email receipt to confirm that you have submitted an application.

On your case in the Grant Portal, you can also see the appendices you have attached to the application.

It is your own responsibility that the necessary documents have been attached and sent - so remember to look through your application carefully.

As long as it is before the deadline(!), you can edit an application even if you have already submitted it. If you edit in a submitted application, you must once again make sure that all necessary documents are included. The committee deals exclusively with the most recently submitted application.

If you need to contact a case officer in the secretariat, write via the contact form on your case in the Grant Portal.


When the Danish Arts Foundation awards grants, it is important, and not least legally required, that the money is used for the purpose you have described in your application. Therefore, you must report on your project to the Agency for Culture and Palaces. How you must report depends on the grant amount you have received. Read more about how to report on your project.

Who will evaluate your application?

The Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Craft and Design Project Funding processes the applications and makes the final decision concerning the distribution of the committee’s funds.