European collaboration

Cultural Contact Point
Cultural Contact Point Denmark is part of a European network of national operatives who promote the EU Culture Program and EU cultural policy initiatives. The network is active in 37 European countries and meets twice a year in various locations in Europe in order to remain updated on the EU's cultural policy initiatives and to discuss current topics in the area of European cultural collaboration. In addition, the network promotes contact between artistic and cultural organizations and institutions in individual countries and facilitates contact between potential project partners for cultural collaborative ventures across borders.
Cultural heritage
The Twinning Project Georgia
The Agency for Culture and Palaces' Centre for Cultural Heritage and Architecture was collaborating with the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Georgian government in 2012-2014 to preserve cultural heritage. The project ‘Support to the Institutional Development of the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia’ is a part of the EU’s Twinning programme, whose purpose is to build institutions and administrative systems in EU candidate countries and EU neighbour states. Another goal of the project is to convey skills and experience from Denmark and Italy to Georgia. The project began in the autumn of 2012 and will last a year and a half.
Cultural Routes
The Agency for Culture and Palaces is participating in the European Council’s Cultural Routes Programme in which the agency, along with a number of museums and other institutions in Sweden, the Netherlands, and northern Germany, is working to have a cultural route recognized. The theme of the cultural route is northern European megalithic tombs. The purpose of the cultural route is to inform visitors about the megalithic tombs themselves and the rich culture that created them. Signs and maps will be made and information placed on the Internet.
Libraries and Media
The Agency for Culture and Palaces is a lead partner in the EU-financed project CARARE: Connecting ARchaeology and ARchitecture in Europeana. CARARE has as its goal to provide everyone access to European cultural and scientific sources, i.e. archaeological and architectural data, including 3D and Virtual Reality. Through CARARE, the agency will supply data from the databases Sites and Monuments [Fund og Fortidsminder] and Danish Buildings [Fredede og Bevaringsværdige Bygninger], which together contain information about archaeological sites and Danish buildings that are protected or worthy of preservation.
Europeana provides a common European access point to digitalized cultural heritage and a collective web portal to millions of books, paintings, films, and museum objects. Europeana was constructed in close cooperation with organizations and institutions in Europe, organized as a platform for sharing knowledge. It arranges workshops, publications, seminars, and conferences. The Agency for Culture and Palaces is a member of the Europeana Network and participates in an expert network as a part of the current Europeana project. The agency is also a link between Europeana and operatives in Denmark under the project title: Europeana 1914-1918 in Denmark.
The Visual Arts Platform
The Agency for Culture and Palaces is part of a European network of organisations that provide support for international visual arts activities, the Visual Arts Platform. This collaboration includes, among other things, sharing knowledge about how the national pavilions at the Venice Biennale are being handled, the development of international residency programmes, and support schemes. The collaboration also includes specific cooperation projects. The network also organises research programmes. For example, in 2012, two Danish curators participated in an international orientation trip, which was arranged by the Dutch Mondriaan Fonds. The curators went to Hong Kong, China, and Indonesia, and the trip took place as a charter tour in which approximately 15 professional curators from Europe participated in a carefully planned research program with the goal of learning more about the contemporary art scenes of the destination countries and create new international networks.