Nordic collaboration

The Agency for Culture and Palaces has entered into a great many collaborative ventures and networks in the Nordic countries. Current collaborative efforts and important networks are described below.
Nordic Council of Ministers
The Agency supports the Danish Minister for Culture’s work with the Nordic Council of Ministers and work on the Nordic committee of Senior Officials for Nordic Cultural Cooperation. Moreover, the Agency for Culture and Palaces is represented in the Nordic Culture Fund.
Art and Audience [Kunst og Publikum] – at the museum
The Agency for Culture and Palaces participates in the Nordic Art and Audience network. The goal of the network is to contribute to the debate about – and development of – the relationship between visual arts and audience, particularly at museums and similar institutions. At conferences and network meetings, questions are raised, among other things, about how a broader, more public conversation about visual arts can be stimulated.
NORDLIT – the field of literature
The Agency for Culture and Palaces participates in the NORDLIT network, which is a collaborative effort of Nordic institutions that deal with the field of literature: The Agency for Culture and Palaces, NORLA, FILI, the Icelandic Literature Foundation, and the Swedish Arts Council. The network administers inter-Nordic translation funding and initiates joint Nordic literary activities. The initiatives may be anything from book fairs and festivals to visitation programs for translators and publishers. The network plans to participate in book fairs throughout Europe with joint Nordic booths.
Nordic conference and art fair cooperation – in the field of stage arts
The Agency for Culture and Palaces is collaborating with the Norwegian Association for Performing Arts [Danse- og teatersentrum] (Norway), Locoworld (Sweden), the Swedish Arts Council [Kulturrådet] (Sweden), Dance Info Finland (Finland), and Performing Arts Iceland (Iceland) in a joint representation at selected international fairs and conferences. There is growing interest from companies and institutions in participating at fairs and conferences. One goal of this Nordic conference and art fair cooperation is to facilitate to an increasing degree a network among participating Nordic companies and to make available tools and ‘best practice’ in the form of network events and workshops in connection with the conferences and fairs.
Nordic/international network – in the field of music
The Agency for Culture and Palaces is a member of IAMIC, the International Association of Music Information Centres, and the Nordic branch of the organization, NORDMIC. IAMIC is a group of music information centres that are working to create networks for members to share experiences and know-how in music documentation, promotion, and information. In addition, the Nordic music information centres are working on common measures with respect to international music fairs, festivals, etc., often in collaboration with Nordic music exporters.