State visits

There is often great media attention surrounding official events such as state visits. This contributes to forming strong international cooperation.
Cultural programs for the Royals
When Her Majesty the Queen is on a state visit abroad, the Agency for Culture and Palaces is responsible for planning and implementing the cultural programme of the visit. The event is used to commence a collaboration between the local and the Danish arts scene, so that an enduring international network between artists is formed. In addition to the local partners, the closest collaborative partners are the office of the Lord Chamberlain and the Danish embassy in the relevant country.
The Agency for Culture and Palaces has operative responsibility for planning, implementing, and pursuing follow-up for the cultural component of state visits abroad. A state visit’s cultural program is to follow the principles for cultural exchange in which there is a focus, among other things, on high quality, local anchoring and reciprocity.
The Unit for Architecture, Design and Crafts and International Affairs coordinates the international activitites of the Agency for Culture and Palaces. General enquiries and questions can be directed to int.samarbejde@