
The Russia 2018–2020 programme includes a wide range of projects and events across diverse artistic and cultural fields, including everything from the performing and visual arts to architecture, literature, museums and more. The programme is structured around the main themes of children and youth; Nordic co-operation; the Arctic; and the modern. See below for further information.

Up until now, cultural relations with Russia have concentrated on the urban centres of Moscow and St Petersburg, and the programme aims to extend this to include emerging cultural hubs like Perm, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. To the left is further information about the themes and projects.


The Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces has overall responsibility for the project. In close collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Moscow and the Danish Cultural Institute in St Petersburg. Individual projects will also involve a wide range of Danish and Russian partners. These partners are presented under each project.


The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of Culture’s joint initiative on international cultural development has earmarked DKK 1.5 million to further the programme’s strategic aims and support the partners involved.

Opdateret 19. January 2022