Danish art in the German Länder

Danish art in the German Länder

Danish artists already have strong and important platforms in Germany. This programme is designed to optimise them and create new ones at national level and, in particular, at regional level. Focusing on Germany as an important artistic partner will create a range of opportunities for the development of Danish art and culture.


Berlinale (Berlin)
Mutual development initiativ (Hamburg)
Animation Production Day (Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart)
Fantasy Film Festival (Munich)
Hamburg Film Fest (Hamburg)
Lübeck Film Festival (Lübeck)
Nordic Film Composers Day (Berlin)
Morten Grunwald / Olsenbanden event (Berlin)
Producer workshop (Hamborg)
Virtual reality producer/creator visit (Munich)
Asta Nielsen film showing (Frankfurt)

Performing Arts

Visitor program for Hamburg Schauspilhaus (Copenhagen)
Premiere on Hotel Pro Formas perfomance of Björks "Vestertime" (Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim)
”Berthold Brecht’s Svendborg poems” performance, Baggårdsteatrets (Berlin)
Madam Nielsen, Literature House (Berlin)
Romeo and Juliet performance, Teatret Møllen (Haderslev, Husum, Glücksburg)
Aquasonic performance (Munich)
Danish dance and performance, Walter Hein (Munich)
The Royal Theatre Berlin Volksbühne (Berlin, Hamborg)


German premiere on Rued Langgards "Anti Christ" (Rhienland-pfalz, Mainz)
Aquasonic performance, Mannheim Sommerfestival (Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim)
Spot on Hamburg (Hamburg)
7 Deadly Pearls (Aarhus, Hamborg)
Usedomer music festival 25 year anniversary (Heringsdorf)
Danish Vibes (Cologne, Hamborg)
Nordischer Klang festival with Denmark as partnering country (Greifswald)
Carl Nielsen as festival composer to Schleswig-Holstein music festival (Lübeck)


Nordic booth at Leipziger Buchmesse (Leipzig)
Workshop & literature event (Hessen, Frankfurt am Main)
Danish participation in STADT LAND BUCH (Berlin)
Madam Nielsen Literature House (Berlin)
Presentation of book launch by Christina Hesselholdt (Berlin)
Artbook fair in Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin (Berlin)


Make City architecture Festival (Berlin)
Nordic exhibition on Urban Planning -- Nordic Urban Spaces (Berlin)

Crafts and Design

Exhibition on Danish design and crafts, Grassi Museum (Leipzig)
Exhibition on Danish design, Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus (Bremen)
Simply Danish, jewelry exhibition, Bröhan Museum (Berlin)
Exhibition of the Jewelry box, talks, Schmukmessen (Munich)

Visual Arts

Janne Klerk exhibition on the Danish Embassy (Berlin)
Ulrik Møller exhibition on the Danish Embassy (Berlin)
”Die Dänen” showing of Danish paintings from the Christoph Müller collection, Pommers Landesmuseum (Greifswald)
Stella Polaris photo exhibition, Willy Brandt Haus (Berlin)
Exhibition with David Bowie, Tal R, Jonathan Meese og Daniel Richter, Museen Stade (Stade)
Maibritt Ulvedal Bjelke solo show, Gallerie Pugliese Levi (Berlin)
Exhibition with young Danish artists from the Dorthe von Stetten Art Prize 2018, Kunstmuseum Bonn (Bonn)
Tal R exhibition on the Danish Embassy (Berlin)
SOUP festival, opening at the Nordic Embassies (Berlin)

Networking events

Four network events have been held in Germany, spring 2018. The main purpose is to invite german institutions to collaborate with their danish counterparts during 2018-2020.

Januray 2018: Hamburg
March 2018: Berlin
May 2018: Stuttgart
May 2018: Munich
November 2018 Cologne

Continuously updated

Opdateret 01. February 2019