Cultural Exports and Cultural Tourism

Cultural Exports and Cultural Tourism

Germany is Denmark’s largest export market for culture, and Danish art has much to offer our larger neighbour. Enhanced and targeted promotion of Danish cultural exports in Germany, at both regional and national level, holds enormous potential. Germany is also our largest market for Danish tourism. Denmark has a strong artistic and cultural narrative and a positive brand as a nation.

Cultural tourism:

  • Focus on visting tourists along the Danish west coast in Jutland.
    Preparation in cooperation with the rental agency for Danish summer houses, VisitDenmark and VisitDenmark, Hamburg and selected Danish museums.
  • Focus on marketing: Copenhagen and Aarhus as cultural tourism destinations.
    Preparation in cooperation with WOCO, VisitAarhus and VisitDenmark, Hamborg. 

Continuously updated

Opdateret 01. February 2019