Cultural collaboration

Cultural collaboration

Denmark and Germany have a shared European history. As part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, the two countries will focus on Danish/German/European themes via a central programme, events, and co-operation between institutions.

Exhibitions & Collaborations 2018-2020

Exhibition: 'Olsen Banden', Filmmuseum Potsdam, Potsdam, 2018
Exhibition: Danish design and crafts, Grassi museum, Leipzig, 2018
Exhibition: TESER - Danish contemporary art interprets The Reformation, Museum for Christlicher kunst, Wittenberg, 2018
Exhibition: Asger Jorn, Deicthorhallen, Hamburg, 2018
Exhibition: H.C. Andersen, Bremen Kunsthalle, Bremen, 2018
Exhibition: David Bowie, Tal R, Jonathan Meese and Daniel Richter, Museen, Stade, 2018
Exhibition: young Danish artists from Dorthe von Stetten Art Prize 2018, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, 2018
Artistic process on Siegessäule as a monument, Berlin, 2018
Exhibition: Qanga – stories about Greenland’s history, The Nordic Embassies, Felleshus, Berlin, 2019
Exhibition: Qanga – stories about Greenland’s history,  Archäologisches Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 2019
Exhibition: Ordrupgaard, Kunsthalle Hamburg, Hamburg, 2019
Exhibition: Thorvaldsen, Glyptothek München, München, 2020

Networking events

Four network events have been held in Germany in spring 2018, and one is being held in the autumn of 2018. The main purpose is to invite German institutions to collaborate with their Danish counterparts during 2018-2020.

January 2018: Hamburg
March 2018: Berlin
May 2018: Stuttgart
May 2018: Munich
November 2018 Cologne

Symposiums and conferences

'Memory and politics – new currents in memorials today', Berlin
Regional summit on cultural policy and politics, early 2019
ICOM conference, a collaboration between ICOM Germany and Denmark, 2020
Matchpoint-conference about Danish/German relations, 2020

Continuously updated


Opdateret 01. February 2019