
The effort in France incorporates events that engage with the aims of the International Culture Panel broadly. However, with a focus on developing Danish art and culture and marketing Denmark as a country.

The overall aim of the effort in France is the development of France and Denmark’s historical commonality in the arts and culture. It is also cementing and developing the artistic platforms with the explicit goal of establishing footholds in France and thereby opportunities for Danish art and culture in France.

As part of the effort in France one of the concrete plans is that historic, Danish visual art will be presented at some of the leading museums in France. By showing off some of the of our artistic history we will make it apparent that we as a nation have produced arts of the highest caliber, and at the same time we keep our own cultural heritage alive and vital. In the long run the attention surrounding Danish art could mean that French museums and cultural institutions will want to invest in pieces of art created by some of our most important artists.

The exposition of classic Danish art will be a central point for the ICP effort in France. France is also a powerhouse within contemporary art. That is why there is also a basis to strengthen the development of Danish artist and cultural institutions in exchange and cooperation with French counterparts within a broad array of genres.


The Danish-French cultural effort of 2018-2020 is coordinated by the Agency for Culture and Palaces cooperating with the Danish Embassy in Paris. The effort’s strategic and concrete projects are executed in close cooperation with the other actors in the International Culture Panel. The Danish Arts Foundation, The Danish Film institute, Danish Architecture Center, the Danish cultural institute, Danish Design Centre and VisitDenmark.

The French partners are a wide selection of cultural institutions and cultural actors. Among others, the Musée d’art Moderne et Contemporain, St. Etienne and the world-renowned design exhibition “Maison & Objets.”

The effort is anchored in the International Culture Panel, which is a cross-ministry forum for cooperation for the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs along with several central institutions in the cultural sphere.


From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture’s agreements about Denmark’s international cultural exchange a grant totaling 1.5 million Danish kroner has been given to support the efforts if the various actors.

Continuously updated

Opdateret 15. October 2019