Two school classes from Aalborg and Copenhagen went on an exclusive guided tour inside the Sydney Opera House with an expert. However, the tour happened while they were sitting in the Utzon Centre in Aalborg and the Danish Architecture Centre in Copenhagen.

It worked by showing a live stream from Sydney to Denmark. The expert in Sydney interacted with the pupils via a screen and speakers that followed him on the tour around the opera house.  Simultaneously, the guide was filmed so the students could see and hear him in their class rooms.

The tour gave the pupils a first-hand insight in the opera house and its architecture – even though they were sitting app. 16,000 km away.

At the tour the history about the house and its architecture was brought to life. The pupils got an exclusive access to the building, which is an important part of Australia’s cultural identity. For instance they experienced the artist’s dressing rooms and the house’s different stages. The tour was interactive, which made questions and discussions between the expert and the pupils possible.

Sydney Opera House has lots of experience with conveying knowledge and teaching pupils via live streaming. But this was the first time they did it to classes outside Australia.

The live stream took place at the Utzon Centre and the Danish Architecture Centre Thursday 24 October 2013.