The Danes' Cultural Habits

The Ministry of Culture continuously assess the Danes’ Cultural Habits across cultural field and time.

New insights on the Danes’ cultural habits coming in 2019.

Starting from 2018, the Ministry of Culture continuously gathers and publishes data concerning the Danes’ Cultural Habits. The first data will be published in the middle of 2019. Data is published in the Statbank (Statistics Denmark). On some cultural fields, the statistics is comparable to previous studies on cultural habits.

The Danes’ cultural habits in the past

In 2012, the Ministry of Culture studied the Danes’ cultural habits in various cultural fields. The study, Danskernes kulturvaner 2012  is published in Danish, but the data can also be found in English in the under Archives. For certain cultural fields, the statistics are available from the study conducted in 1964. 

Many of the statistics under the Cultural habits study is comparable to gender, age, education, etc. Some measures concerning the Danes’ cultural habits have been developed over time, for example number of visits to a museum. Other measures can also be found in the past studies on the Danes’ Cultural Habits.

Opdateret 15. November 2019