Funding scheme for strategic development projects under the Strategic Framework 2023-2024

The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wish to support development projects that sustain the strategic framework for international cultural collaboration. The funding scheme is targeted strategic development projects situated under the three themes of the strategy 1) Sustainability and the green transition, 2) Technology and the democratic dialogue and 3) Urban and rural areas.

Artform(s) :


    01.03.2024, 2:00 PM

Who may apply?

Professional Danish cultural operators (institutions or organizations) can apply for funding of projects in collaboration with international partners.

Danish missions and the Danish Cultural Institute cannot apply for project management nor holding of own expenses regarding traveling and accommodation relating to projects.


Formal criteria:

  • The minimum amount of the application must be DKK 100,000.
  • It is expected that projects have a minimum of 25 percent co-financing from another source, such as self-financing, co-financing from a foreign partner, or funding from another foundation.
  • Projects must not be launched before the application is received by the Agency for Culture and Palaces.

The funding scheme can be applied for to support:

  • Project management
  • Project completion
  • Documentation and presentation
  • Danish self-financing of bigger EU-financed projects related to the themes

An application is eligible for funding if it fulfills the formal criteria, as stated above.

Futhermore, the following general criteria must be fulfilled:

  • The project must support one or more of the three thematic areas described in the purpose of the program
  • Communication regarding the project must be coordinated with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the local mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • The Danish artistic or cultural operators, who is applying for funding, must have a professional affiliation with the art/culture scene.
  • A project must be based on collaboration between multiple Danish and international cultulal operators – e.g. artists, organizations and/or institutions.
  • Prior dialogue with relevant embassies is expected before applying. If possible, an expression of interest should be included.


  • Larger, selected projects with considerable potential for attention and visibility will be designated as flagship projects. The Agency for Culture and Palaces and relevant representations will participate in a follow-up group for the project.
  • The Agency for Culture and Palaces reserves the right to enter into a dialogue with applicants about the projects. This includes involving embassies in projects applied for by cultural actors. For larger grants and flagship projects, the applicant must agree that the projects mature and develop in collaboration with the Agency for Culture and Palaces and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ensure the best possible synergy.

The funding scheme does not support:

  • Projects primarily located in Denmark.
  • Projects whose primary focus is sport or food/gastronomy.

Purpose of the program

The purpose of the funding scheme is to support bigger strategic development projects situated in the Strategic Framework’s three themes. The applied project must be in line with one or more of the three below-mentioned focus areas:

  • In regard to the theme Sustainability and the green transition, by promoting the development and implementation of specific value communication and supporting collaboration projects, which demonstrates culture’s potential in relation to the green transition or inclusion and the social aspects of sustainability, e.g. in reference to architecture, institutions and live and performing arts.
  • In regard to the theme Technology and the democratic dialogue, by promoting culture’s ability to create safe/open spaces in a complex technologized world through funding of partnerships and initiatives, which focus on developing and documenting the safe spaces of culture in specific projects. The initiatives can be physical, digital or a hybrid, but they must actively relate to the possibilities and restrictions of technology in relation to the democratic space.
  • In regard to Urban and rural areas, by promoting and supporting inter-disciplinary cultural projects in urban and rural areas, which includes civil society and its resources. Among these, specific cultural projects regarding communities and involvement with children and youth.

How your application will be evaluated?

  • The funding scheme supports projects that sustain one or more of the themes, mentioned in the purpose of the program
  • The funding scheme prioritizes supporting bigger cultural projects with wide stakeholder communities
  • The funding scheme prioritizes projects which have an interdisciplinary approach
  • The funding scheme prioritizes projects that explores new formats
  • The funding scheme prioritizes projects with a clear communication potential and a constituing narrative power in relation to the themes
  • In the assessment of your application, there will be taken into consideration the strategy's geographical priority areas: the US, Asia, nearby European countries and the Nordic countries.
  • The assessment will emphasize a clear activity plan and reflection on how the themes are engaged internationally.

Applications for funding of project management are assessed according to fair salary levels – equivalent to the state agreement for similar work in Denmark.

Furthermore, the projects must live up to the four main principles for international cultural collaboration:

  • Activities must be of a high professional quality in every respect.
  • Activities must be anchored in collaborations between Danish and international partners that are based on reciprocity and local interest.
  • Activities must ensure strong networks and partnerships that extend beyond the individual activity and preferably have a long-term perspective.
  • Activities that ensure visibility through targeted communication.

The steering group prioritizes larger projects. No more than 1.4 million DKK can be applied for. The Agency for Culture and Palaces reserves the right to share applications with other authorities as part of the processing.

What must the application contain

We recommend that you make yourself familiar with the application form and prepare the necessary information, before you begin.

The following must be attached to the application:

  • Project description and budget (we ask applicants to use the project description and budget forms that can be found via the links below). The attached project description and budget must include the requested information, which is found in the forms.

The purpose of the project description and budget forms is to provide an overview of the project’s financial dimensions and local/other financing. It also gives the applicant an impression of the information we request.

It is a requirement that the application budget must contain the project’s major expenditure items and a finance plan. The finance plan must include an overview of local and Danish partners’ financial and resourceful investment in the project, any sponsorships or fund grants, as well as any self-financing. The budget must contain a clear overview of all budget items applied for through this scheme. All budget items must be stated in Danish crowns.

Download the project description form here

Download the budget form here

Download a guide to the budget form here

How much you may apply for?

Grants will be paid out to the NemKonto affiliated with the applicant’s primary company registration (CVR) number.

We will report the grant to the Danish tax authorities (SKAT). Taxes are not withheld from the sum paid out.

Grants will be paid out as close to the start date provided in the application form. It is advised to match the start date for your project with the date your first expense for the project occurs.


The funding scheme has two annual deadlines in 2023 and 2024. Applications for the funding scheme will be processed two times annually.

The following dates are the deadlines for 2024:

  • March 1
  • September 6

Applications are processed within 8 weeks.

Who will evaluate your application?

Applications are assessed by the steering group for the collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the recommendation of the Agency for Culture and Palaces.